Sacred Ancestry is a global movement of
people healing their ancestral lines.

Are you ready to heal your lineage?

You can connect to your ancestors and reclaim ancient wisdom to heal yourself, your lineage, and the earth.



What if you came here to this planet — and into your lineage — with a specific purpose?

What if there are deep gifts and power living within your lineage… not only traumas wanting to be healed?

You have the power to heal yourself and your ancestors.

During these times, we don’t just need a healer in every village. It’s time to awaken a healer in every household.

Our planet is going through a time of massive change. If you can hear the earth’s cries or feel compassion for people who are suffering, you know… now is the time to heal.

At the core of your lineage, beneath all the layers of conditioning, trauma, and wounds, you have wise and well ancestors. They are waiting for you to reach out and connect to them so that together, you can heal your lineage.

Sacred Ancestry is here to help you develop an authentic and empowering connection to your ancestors to bring healing to your life and your lineage.

It is time to embody your gifts and bring them to your lineage and the world — for the healing of yourself, the earth, the ancestors, and the generations to come.

Let us walk together.




In this course, you will build deep, authentic relationships with your healed ancestors and release ancient negative patterns tied to your childhood, parents, and ancestors. It’s time to break the cycle, reclaim your power, and thrive! In this powerful course, you will receive teaching videos, meditations, and in-depth PDF’s with journal prompts to support you on your journey of ancestral healing. It’s time to reclaim the power of your roots, and align your lineage with LOVE.

The Honeyed Womb

The Honeyed Womb is a healing journey for women. This is for you if you’re ready to heal old wounds, free your voice, and step into your full feminine power. You will experience womb healing, inner child healing, ancestral healing, emotional release, shadow work, empowered boundaries, sacred sexuality, healing the Mother Wound, and so much more. On this immersive journey, you will help to heal yourself, your feminine ancestors, and future generations.


This is for you if you feel there may be healers, witches, or medicine women in your ancestry & you want to connect with them for healing & guidance. This is for you if you feel that you have had past lives or ancestors who were burned at the stake, drowned, outcast, or killed for being healers or sharing their truth. It's time to step into your gifts, shine your light, and embrace your multidimensional magic as a healer.

At some point in all lineages, a soul will be born that decides to bring healing to their ancestors. If you’re reading this, that beautiful soul is you.


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  • You want to shift patterns + limiting beliefs

  • You’re ready to release negative energy, anger, and fear

  • You notice dysfunctional patterns in your relationships

  • You struggle with boundaries, self-love, or self-worth

  • You’re not comfortable in your skin or identity

  • You feel disconnected from yourself + your feminine power

  • You feel scattered, anxious, or like something is out of alignment

  • You feel a nudge within to heal at the root

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Results of Healing

  • Heal from trauma + reclaim your power

  • Connect to your inner knowing + make empowered decisions

  • Healthy relationships; resolve toxic patterns and feel fully seen, appreciated + sovereign

  • Strengthen your boundaries, self-love + self-worth

  • Ground into the earth so you can spread your wings

  • Deepen into your mystical, spiritual connection, inner wisdom + purpose

  • Create empowering habits that align with your highest potential

  • Allow your intuition to guide you, not your wounds (deeply trust yourself!)


I guide people through ancestral connection practices to reclaim their connection to their roots, receive the unique medicine of their ancestors, and embody their spiritual gifts.

In addition, my degree in Cultural Anthropology deeply informs the work that I do, grounding the esoteric into practical spiritual wisdom and ancestral healing practices.

To know your ancestors is to know yourself.


Ancestral healing brings the blessings of protection, guidance, wisdom, support, and love to your life and your lineage — not only spiritually, but on every level.

Find peace with your past

Heal wounds, patterns, and trauma — both personally and ancestrally — that other modalities of healing simply don’t address.

Heal + uplift your relationships

Release unhealthy relationship patterns, for good. When you heal yourself, by extension, you heal your relationships, your family, and your ancestors.

Embody spiritual wisdom

Learn ancient practices and feminine arts such as ceremony, ritual, ancestral connection, and oracular divination. Cultivate a juicy, sacred spiritual practice that nourishes you on a soul level. Gain a deeper understanding of the mysticism, spirituality, and stories of your ancestors.


“I highly recommend an Ancestral Healing Session with Torie. I experienced such a deep transformation, and ancestral wisdom that I will carry with me always. If you’re ready for a shift in your life, and if you’re ready to connect to your soul in a DEEP way, then I highly recommend working with this wise and ancient soul.”

— Mei-lan Maurits, Sound Oracle and Channel


“Torie is a force of nature. Trust me when I say, she will help you unveil hidden secrets within you, that will reveal the truth of who you are. You will heal, remember, reclaim, and bloom. I have come across many colleagues who are powerful healers, and Torie is within the ranks of the most gifted I have ever come across. Do yourself a favor. Dive in. Get raw. And let yourself be held by her.”

— Lauren Elizabeth Walsh, Founder of Global Sisterhood


“I am very discerning about working with other people energetically, but I knew immediately that Torie and I were a match to work together. Her ability to create a space outside of time, to bridge our now with our ancient now, and to energetically nurture this sacred portal is the work of a true healer and guide. During our session, I felt deeply seen and held. After our session, I saw these wounds heal in my own life. I saw the ripple effect as this healing transcended time and space to close these wounds in my lineage. Through Torie's wisdom, I was able to begin to uncover an ancient wisdom of my own.”

— Shea O.


“I moved from self doubt into self love. I moved from fear and playing small into empowerment and using my full voice! Torie facilitated deep healing of past patterns that were blocking me for years in order to make space for me to live my own authentic truth. I ended our time together feeling invigorated, aligned, and in deep knowing of my purpose, plus equipped with so many tools to bring it to life!”

— Adrianna Sesi, Holistic Psychotherapist

A sacred doorway
stands before you.

You are ready to deepen into ancestral connection.

Connect with me on Instagram