You’re invited to join a life-changing
FREE Healing Circle…


Liberate Yourself From
The Witch Wound

for the magical soul who is ready to overcome self-doubt and feel confident in your spiritual gifts

In our FREE Healing Circle, you will learn…

  • How to liberate your spiritual gifts and your magical essence

  • The ancestral wounds that cause you to fear expressing your full magic

  • How to work with your healed ancestors and guides to receive protection, healings, and guidance



The Witch Wound manifests as being afraid to use our voices, speak our truth, create boundaries, shine in our magic, trust our intuition, and step into our full magical power.

When we heal the Witch Wound, we reclaim our magic and express our soul's deepest gifts.

It liberates the women in our lineages who had to stay silent and fit into the status quo, for fear of being killed.

Liberating the Witch Wound is a blessing for ourselves, our communities, our families, our ancestors, the earth, and future generations to come.



Got questions? Shoot me a DM on Instagram @sacredancestry!